
The team at Tullius aimed to achieve a refined, modern, and professional brand identity, along with a website update.




Branding & Web

As one of Australia’s leading firms in technology procurement, benchmarking, and program delivery, they sought a comprehensive branding refresh that reflects their expertise and leadership in the industry.

A dynamic brandmark, the lines suggestive of movement and evolution yet retaining a nod to the wing-tip of the previous logo. For the colour palette, trusted blues come to the fore and saturation is dialled up to pique attention on screen.

Type has been chosen for it’s appearance of efficiency and forwardness. The addition of a serif typeface brings warmth and a professional aura paired with an easy to use, contemporary sans-serif.

The end result is a dynamic online presence that positions Tullius as a forward-thinking industry leader. Their new website is not only visually impactful but also optimized for functionality, offering a seamless user experience for clients and partners.